Alpine forget-me-not (Myosotis Sylvatica) 高山‘勿忘我’花
Native Range: Europe (原產地在歐洲)
Bloom time: April to May (開花時間: 4至5月)
Bloom description: Blue with yellow or white eyes (藍色花瓣,黃色或白色的花眼)
Height: 0.15 to 0.3 m (高度0.15-0.3米)
Photo: On the Untersberg mountain near Salzburg, Austria (奧地利-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Globeflower (Trollius eruopaeus) 金蓮花
Native Range: The mountains of southern Europe (原產地在南歐的山區)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: Yellow, globe-like shap (黃花,圓球狀)
Height: To 0.7 m (高度至0.7米)
On top of the Untersberg mountain near Salzburg, Austria (奧地利-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Alpine Cusick's speedwell (Veronica cusikii) 高山婆婆納草
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: Spring to summer (開花時間: 春-夏)
Bloom description: Pink (開粉色花)
Height: 0.07 to 0.2 m (高度: 0.07-0.2米)
Photo: From East Rocky Mountain (美國落磯山脈東部) |
Moss campion (Silene Acaulis) 苔蘚剪秋羅
Native Range: Europe, Asia and North America (原產地在歐洲、亞洲和北美洲)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: Pink (開粉紅花)
Height: 0.06 m (高度: 0.06米)
Photo: On the Untersberg mountain near Salzburg, Austria (奧地利-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Golden pea (Thermopsis rhombifolia ) 菱葉野決明
Native Range: Western North America, Asia (原產地在北美洲的西部、亞洲)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: Yellow (開黃花)
Height: 0.6 to 1.2 m (高度: 0.6-1.2米)
Common name (俗稱): Buck bean, Buffalo bean
Photo: East Rocky Mountain 美國落磯山脈東部 |
Valeriana (Valeriana officinalis) 纈草
Native Range: Europe (原產地在歐洲)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5至8月)
Bloom description: Light pink flowers (淡粉色)
Height: 0.5 to 1.5 m (高度0.5-1.5米)
Photo: On the Untersberg mountain near Salzburg, Austria (奧地利-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Sticky Geranium (Geranium viscosissimum) 老鹳草
Native Range: Europe (原產地在歐洲)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: Pinkish, five petals (粉紅色,5花瓣)
Height: 0.5 to 1.27 m (高度至0.5-1.27米)
Photo: From Grand Tetons National Park, USA (美國大提頓國家公園) |
Mountain Avens (Dryas octopetala) 野生水楊
Native Range: Arctic, subarctic Europe, Asia, Northwest America, south Europe (原產地在北極、副北極區的歐洲、亞洲和美洲的西北部、南歐)
Bloom time: June to August (開花時間: 6-8月)
Bloom description: 8 white petals 8片白花瓣
Height: 0.1 to 0.15 m (高度至0.1-0.15米)
Photo: Untersberg mountain near Salzburg, Austria (奧地利-Alps阿爾卑斯山區)
| Alpine flowers on the Untersberg mountain near Salzburg, Austria (奧地利-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Boulder Raspberry (Rubus delicious) 大圓石覆盆子花
Native Range: United States (原產地在美國)
Bloom time: Late spring (開花時間: 晚春)
Bloom description: White, five petals (白色,5花瓣)
Height: 0.9-1.5m (高度0.9-1.5米)
Common name (俗稱): Delicious Raspberry
Photo: From East Rocky Mountain (美國落磯山脈東部) |
Pussy paws (Calyptridium umbellatum) 映山紅
Native Range: Northwest America (原產地在西北美洲)
Bloom time: Spring to fall (開花時間: 春-秋)
Bloom description: Pinkish or whitish 粉或白
Sun: Full sun (全日照)
Height: 0.09-0.15m (高度0.09-0.15米) Common name (俗稱): Mount Hood pussypaws |
Lesser Fringed Gentian (Gentianopsis procera) 小碎花邊龍膽
Native Range: Eastern and Midwestern America (原產地在美國東部和中西部)
Bloom time: August to October (開花時間: 8-10月)
Bloom description: purplish or white flowers (紫或白花)
Height: 0.07-0.45m (高度0.07-0.45米) |
Dwarf Clover (Trifolium nanum) 矮種三葉草
Bloom time: June to August (開花時間: 6-8月)
Bloom description: Pink, pea-shaped (粉色,碗豆狀)
Height: 0.02m (高度0.02米)
Common name (俗稱): Tundra clover (苔原三葉草)
Photo: From Rocky Mountain, USA (美國落磯山脈) |
Snow buttercup (Ranunculus adoneus) 金鳳花
Native Range: North America (原產地在北美洲)
Bloom time: Spring to summer (開花時間: 春-夏)
Bloom description: Yellow (黃花)
Height: 0.1 - 0.2m (高度: 0.1-0.2米)
Photo: From Rocky Mountain, USA (美國落磯山脈) |
Wood's rose (Rosa woodsii) 野玫瑰
Native Range: Western USA (原產地在美國西部)
Bloom time: Early July (開花時間: 7月初)
Bloom description: Pink (粉色)
Height: 0.9 -1.8 m (高度: 0.9-1.8米)
Photo: From Rocky Mountain, USA (美國落磯山脈) |
Prairie Phlox (草原夾竹桃) from Spirit Mound -美國南達科他州 |
Field Chickweed (Cerastium arvense) 卷耳
Native Range: Europe, North America and South America (原產地在歐洲、北美洲和南美洲)
Bloom time: Late Spring to early summer (開花時間: 晚春到初夏)
Bloom description: White (白花)
Height: 0.1 - 0.25m (高度: 0.1-0.25米)
Common names (俗稱): Field mouse-ear
Photo: Yellowstone National Park, USA-美國黃石國家公園 |
Bracted Spiderwort (Tradescantia bracteata) 紫鴨拓草
Native Range: Central USA (原產地在美國中部)
Bloom time: May to July (開花時間: 5-7月)
Bloom description: Pink, purple (粉紫花)
Sun: Sun (全日照)
Height: 0.3 - 0.45m (高度: 0.3-0.45米)
Common names (俗稱): Prairie spiderwort
Photo: From Spirit Mound, USA (美國南達科他州) |
Blue mountain beardtongue (Penstemon pennellianus) 藍色高山釣鐘柳
Native Range: Mountains of Western North Americ (原產地在北美洲的西部山區)
Bloom time: April to July (開花時間: 4-7月)
Bloom description: Blue-purplish flowers (開藍紫色的花)
Height: 0.2-0.6 m (高度: 0.2-0.6米)
Photo: East Rocky Mountain-美國落磯山脈東部 |
Large Beardtongue (Penstemon grandiflorus) 大釣鐘柳
Native Range: Central USA (原產地在美國中部)
Bloom time: May to June (開花時間: 5-6月)
Bloom description: Pink (粉色花)
Sun: Full sun (全日照)
Height: 0.6 to 1.2 m (高度至0.6-1.2米)
Photo: From Spirit Mound-美國南達科他州 |
Western Wallflower (Erysimum capitatum) 西部壁花 from Alpine Rocky Mountain-美國落磯山脈 |
Camas (Camassia leichtlinii) 美克蓮
Native Range: Northwest America(原產地在西北美洲)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: Purple (紫花)
Height: 0.3 to 0.75 m (高度至0.3-0.75米)
Photo: Rocky Mountain-美國落磯山脈 |
Camas (Camassia leichtlinii) 美克蓮
Native Range: Northwest America (原產地在西北美洲)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: Purple (紫花)
Height: 0.3 to 0.75 m (高度至0.3-0.75米)
Photo: Rocky Mountain, USA-美國落磯山脈 |
Cinquefoil (Potentilla canadensis) 金露梅from East Rocky Mountain (美國落磯山脈東部) |
Western roseroot (Sedum rosea) 玫瑰紅景天
Native Range: Western North America(原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: Purple (紫花)
Height: 0.07-0.15 m (高度: 0.07-0.15米)
This picture was taken in Alpine Rocky Mountain, USA. Roseroot got its name because the fleshy root has a rose fragrance. 拍攝於美國落磯山脈,玫瑰紅得名於它的肉植根具有玫瑰的香氣。
Sego lily (Calochortus nuttallii) 麗草百合
Native Range: Western North America(原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: Late Spring to early summer (開花時間: 晚春到初夏)
Bloom description: white(白花)
Height: 0.08-0.42 m (高度: 0.08-0.42米)
Common names (俗稱): Squaw grass, Elk grass, Turkey Beard, Bear lily, Indian basket grass
This picture was taken in Badlands, USA. It is the state flower of Utah. The early settlers used the bulbs for food. 拍攝於美國惡地國家公園,麗草百合是猶他州的州花,早期的殖民者食用它的球莖。 |
Sundancer Daisy (Hymenoxys acaulis)
Native Range: North America and Sourth America (原產地在北美洲和南美洲)
Bloom time: Summer (開花時間: 夏天)
Bloom description: Yellow (黃花)
Height: 0.3-0.6 m (高度: 0.3-0.6米)
Common names (俗稱): Stemless four-nerve daisy
Photo: From Black Hills, USA (美國黑山) |
American vetch (Vicia americana)
Native Range: North America (原產地在北美洲)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: Light purple (淡紫色)
Height: 0.15 to 0.5 m (高度0.15-0.5米)
Photo: East Rocky Mountain, USA (美國落磯山脈東部) |
American vetch (Vicia americana)
Native Range: North America (原產地在北美洲)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: Pink (粉紅色)
Height: 0.15 to 0.5 m (高度0.15-0.5米)
Photo: From Badlands National Park, USA (美國惡地國家公園) |
Broadleaf lupine (Lupinus latifolius) 羽扇豆/魯冰花
Native Range: Western North America-moist meadows, streambanks and mountains (原產地在北美洲的西部-濕潤的草原、河邊和山區)
Bloom time: April to July (開花時間: 4-7月)
Bloom description: Purple, pink, white or yellow (有開紫、粉、白或黃花)
Height: 0.3 to 1 m (高度: 0.3-1米)
Photo: East Rocky Mountain, USA (美國落磯山脈東部) |
Blue mountain beardtongue (Penstemon pennellianus) 藍色高山釣鐘柳
Native Range: Mountains of Western North Americ (原產地在北美洲的西部山區)
Bloom time: April to July (開花時間: 4-7月)
Bloom description: Blue-purplish flowers (開藍紫色的花)
Height: 0.2-0.6 m (高度: 0.2-0.6米)
Photo: East Rocky Mountain-美國落磯山脈東部 |
American vetch (Vicia americana) 美洲野豌豆
Native Range: North America (原產地在北美洲)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: Bluish (藍色花瓣)
Height: 0.15 to 0.5 m (高度0.15-0.5米)
American vetch (Vicia americana)
Native Range: North America (原產地在北美洲)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: Light purple (淡紫色)
Height: 0.15 to 0.5 m (高度0.15-0.5米) |
American vetch (Vicia americana)
Native Range: North America (原產地在北美洲)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: Pink (粉紅色)
Height: 0.15 to 0.5 m (高度0.15-0.5米) |
American vetch (Vicia americana)
Native Range: North America (原產地在北美洲)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: Light purple (淡紫色)
Height: 0.15 to 0.5 m (高度0.15-0.5米) |
White Beardtongue (Penstemon albidus) 白色釣鐘柳
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to June (開花時間: 5至6月)
Bloom description: White, tubular flower(白色,管狀花瓣)
Height: 0.15-0.5 m (高度 0.15-0.5米)
Photo: From Badlands National Park, USA (美國惡地國家公園) |
Melilot (Melilotus officinalis) 黃香草木樨
Native Range: Eurasia (原產地在歐亞)
Bloom time: April to September (開花時間: 4-5月)
Bloom description: Yellow (黃花)
Height: 1.2 to 1.8 m (高度至1.2-1.8米)
Common names (俗稱): Yellow sweet clover
Photo: From Badlands National Park, USA (拍攝於美國惡地國家公園) |
Soapweed yucca (Yucca glauca) 絲蘭
Native Range: Western USA (原產地在美國西部)
Bloom time: May to July (開花時間: 5-7月)
Bloom description: Light green, bell-shaped(淡綠色,鈴鐘狀)
Height: 0.6 to 1 m (高度至0.6-1米)
Common names (俗稱): Narrowleaf yucca, Plains yucca
Photo: From Badlands National Park, USA (拍攝於美國惡地國家公園) |
Yucca (絲蘭) from Badlands (美國惡地國家公園) |
Beach Strawberry (Fragaria chilensis) 草莓花
Native Range: North America to South America (原產地在北美洲至南美洲)
Bloom time: March to August (開花時間: 3-8月)
Bloom description: White, five petals (白花,5瓣)
Height: 0.2 m (高度至0.2米)
Purple locoweed (Oxytropis lambertii) 瘋草
Native Range: Central North America (原產地在北美洲中部)
Bloom time: April to June (開花時間: 4-6月)
Bloom description: Pinkish to purple (粉紫花)
Height: 0.15 to 0.3 m (高度至0.15-0.3米) Common names (俗稱): Lambert crazyweed
Alpine flower from Taiwan 台灣的高山花卉 |
Arctic alpine forget-me-not (Eritrichium nanum) 極地高山種的‘勿忘我’花
Native Range: Western North America, Europe and Asia (原產地在北美洲的西部、歐洲和亞洲)
Bloom time: June to August (開花時間: 6至8月)
Bloom description: Blue, cushion-like in cluster, yellow eyes (藍色花瓣,呈枕狀,黃色的花眼)
Height: 0.015 m (高度 0.015米)
Photo: Alpine Rocky Mountains (美國落磯山脈) |
White Beardtongue (Penstemon albidus) 白色釣鐘柳
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to June (開花時間: 5至6月)
Bloom description: White, tubular flower(白色,管狀花瓣)
Height: 0.15-0.5 m (高度 0.15-0.5米)
Photo: From Badlands National Park, USA (美國惡地國家公園)
Alpine heath (Erica carnea) 高山歐石楠
Native Range: Mountainous areas of central and southern Europe (原產地在歐洲中部或南部的山區)
Bloom time: March to May (開花時間: 3-5月)
Bloom description: Pink or white (開粉紅或白花)
Height: 0.1 to 0.25 m (高度0.1-0.25米)
Common names (俗稱): Winter heath, spring heath
From Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Gimmelwald, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Heath (Erica spiculifolia) 歐石楠 from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Alpine heath (Erica carnea) 高山歐石楠
Native Range: Mountainous areas of central and southern Europe (原產地在歐洲中部或南部的山區)
Bloom time: March to May (開花時間: 3-5月)
Bloom description: Pink or white (開粉紅或白花)
Height: 0.1 to 0.25 m (高度0.1-0.25米)
Common names (俗稱): Winter heath, spring heath
From Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區)
White butterbur (Petasites albus) 白花蜂斗菜from Gimmelwald, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Pasque flower (Amemone patens) 白頭翁
Bloom time: March to June (開花時間: 3-6月)
Bloom description: Calyx with 6 purple or white lobes, white hairs (6片紫或白色花瓣,白毛)
Sun: Full sun (全日照)
Height: 0.05-0.4 m (高度:0.05-0.4米)
Photo: On the Untersberg mountain near Salzburg, Austria (拍攝地點: 奧地利-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Ragged Robin (Lychnis flos-cuculi) 知更草 -Switzerland瑞士 |
Liverleaf (Hepatica nobilis) (肝臟葉) from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Oxlip (Primula elatior) 牛尾草 from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Flowers from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Oxlip (Primula elatior) 牛尾草 from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區)
Flowers from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Oxlip (Primula elatior) 牛尾草 from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Silene Dioica (Melandrium rubrum) 紅色剪秋羅 from Gimmelwald, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Oxlip (Primula elatior) 牛尾草 from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區)
Saxifrage alpine flowers (虎耳草) from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區)
Silene Dioica (Melandrium rubrum) 紅色剪秋羅 from Gimmelwald, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Cornflower (Centaurea montana) 矢車菊 from Gimmelwald, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Alpine forget-me-not (Myosotis Sylvatica) 高山‘勿忘我’花
Native Range: Europe (原產地在歐洲)
Bloom time: April to May (開花時間: 4至5月)
Bloom description: Blue with yellow or white eyes (藍色花瓣,黃色或白色的花眼)
Height: 0.15 to 0.3 m (高度0.15-0.3米)
Photo: From Gimmelwald, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Aubrieta (Petrocallis pyrenaica) 藍芥庭 from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Creeping phlox (Phlox stolonifera) 福祿花 from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Aubrieta (Petrocallis pyrenaica) 藍芥庭 from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Marsh Marigold-Buttercup (Caltha palustris) 金鳳花
Native Range: Europe, Russia, Iceland, and North America (原產地在歐洲、俄國、冰島和北美洲)
Bloom time: May to Augustl (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: Bright yellow, five petals (開鮮黃花,5花瓣)
Height: 0.8 m (高度至0.8米)
From Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Aubrieta (Petrocallis pyrenaica) 藍芥庭 from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Hepatica (Anemone hepatica) 雪割草
Native Range: Europe (原產地在歐洲)
Bloom time: March to April (開花時間: 3-4月)
Bloom description: blue-violet, purple, pink or white (開紫藍、紫或白色的花朵)
Height: To 0.15 m (高度至0.15米)
From Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Crocus (番紅花) from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Crocus (番紅花) from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Crocus (番紅花) from Mürren, Switzerland (瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Prairie Phlox (草原夾竹桃) from Spirit Mound (美國南達科他州) |
Bracted Spiderwort (Tradescantia bracteata) 紫鴨拓草
Native Range: Central USA (原產地在美國中部)
Bloom time: May to July (開花時間: 5-7月)
Bloom description: Pink, purple (粉紫花)
Sun: Sun (全日照)
Height: 0.3 - 0.45m (高度: 0.3-0.45米)
Common names (俗稱): Prairie spiderwort
Photo: From Spirit Mound, USA (美國南達科他州) |
Large Beardtongue (Penstemon grandiflorus) 大釣鐘柳
Native Range: Central USA (原產地在美國中部)
Bloom time: May to June (開花時間: 5-6月)
Bloom description: Pink (粉色花)
Sun: Full sun (全日照)
Height: 0.6 to 1.2 m (高度至0.6-1.2米)
Photo: From Spirit Mound,-美國南達科他州 |
Scarlet globe mallows (Sphaeralcea coccinea) 球葵
Native Range: Western and Central North America (原產地在北美洲的中、西部)
Bloom time: June to July (開花時間: 6-7月)
Bloom description: Orange-red flower (開橘紅色的花朵)
Height: To 0.5 m (高度0.5米)
Photo: Badlands National Park, USA (美國惡地國家公園) |
Low larkspur (Delphinium nuttallianum) 飛燕草
Native Range: Northwestern North America (原產地在北美洲的西北部)
Bloom time: May to July (開花時間: 5-7月)
Bloom description: blue-violet (開紫藍花)
Sun: Sun, part shade (全日照、部份蔭涼處)
Height: 0.15 to 0.45 m (高度0.15-0.45米) Common names (俗稱): Little larkspur
Photo: Grand Tetons National Park, USA (美國大提頓國家公園 )
Alpine Avens (仙女木) from Rocky Mountains (美國落磯山脈) |
Arctic alpine forget-me-not (Eritrichium nanum) 極地高山種的‘勿忘我’花
Native Range: Western North America, Europe and Asia (原產地在北美洲的西部、歐洲和亞洲)
Bloom time: June to August (開花時間: 6至8月)
Bloom description: Blue, cushion-like in cluster, yellow eyes (藍色花瓣,呈枕狀,黃色的花眼)
Height: 0.015 m (高度 0.015米)
Photo: From Big Horn Mountains, USA (美國大角山) |
Greenleaf Chimingbells (綠葉風鈴草) from Alpine Rocky Mountains (美國落磯山脈) |
Greenleaf Chimingbells (綠葉風鈴草) from Alpine Rocky Mountains (美國落磯山脈) |
Arctic alpine forget-me-not (Eritrichium nanum) 極地高山種的‘勿忘我’花
Native Range: Western North America, Europe and Asia (原產地在北美洲的西部、歐洲和亞洲)
Bloom time: June to August (開花時間: 6至8月)
Bloom description: Blue, cushion-like in cluster, yellow eyes (藍色花瓣,呈枕狀,黃色的花眼)
Height: 0.015 m (高度 0.015米)
Photo: Alpine Rocky Mountains (美國落磯山脈) |
Arctic alpine forget-me-not (Eritrichium nanum) 極地高山種的‘勿忘我’花
Native Range: Western North America, Europe and Asia (原產地在北美洲的西部、歐洲和亞洲)
Bloom time: June to August (開花時間: 6至8月)
Bloom description: Blue, cushion-like in cluster, yellow eyes (藍色花瓣,呈枕狀,黃色的花眼)
Height: 0.015 m (高度 0.015米)
Photo: Alpine Rocky Mountains (美國落磯山脈) |
Arctic alpine forget-me-not (Eritrichium nanum) 極地高山種的‘勿忘我’花
Native Range: Western North America, Europe and Asia (原產地在北美洲的西部、歐洲和亞洲)
Bloom time: June to August (開花時間: 6至8月)
Bloom description: Blue, cushion-like in cluster, yellow eyes (藍色花瓣,呈枕狀,黃色的花眼)
Height: 0.015 m (高度 0.015米)
Photo: From Big Horn Mountains, USA (美國大角山) |
Alpine forget-me-not (Myosotis Sylvatica)
Native Range: Europe (原產地在歐洲)
Bloom time: April to May (開花時間: 4至5月)
Bloom description: Blue with yellow or white eyes (藍色花瓣,黃色或白色的花眼)
Height: 0.15 to 0.3 m (高度0.15-0.3米)
Alpine forget-me-not (Myosotis Sylvatica)
Native Range: Europe (原產地在歐洲)
Bloom time: April to May (開花時間: 4至5月)
Bloom description: Blue with yellow or white eyes (藍色花瓣,黃色或白色的花眼)
Height: 0.15 to 0.3 m (高度0.15-0.3米)
Shooting star (Dodecatheon pulchellum) 流星花
Bloom time: February to April (開花時間: 2-4月)
Bloom description: Flowers bent downward with petals project backward, purple flower with yellow band at base (紫色花瓣往後彎曲,帶黃的底部朝下)
Height: 0.2 to 0.35 m (高度0.2至0.35米) |
Twinflower (Linnaea borealis) 林奈花
Native Range: North American(原產地在北美洲)
Bloom time: June to July (開花時間: 6-7月)
Bloom description: Funnel-shaped, pink to whitish, five petals (漏斗狀,粉紅帶白,五瓣)
Height: 0.07 to 0.15 m (高度0.07至0.15米) |
Prairie Smoke (Geum triflorum) 北美煙火草 |
Alpine diamond-leaf saxifrage ? |
Beargrass (Xerophyllum tenax) 旱葉草
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: white(白花)
Height: 0.6-2 m (高度: 0.6-2米)
Common name (俗稱): Squaw grass, Elk grass, Turkey Beard, Bear lily, Indian basket grass
This picture of alpine flower was taken on a hiking in Oregon, USA |
Alpine Flower |
Columbine (Aquilegia) 耬斗菜 |
Twinberry honeysuckle (Lonicera involucrata) 總苞忍冬
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: June to August (開花時間: 6-8月)
Bloom description: Tubular flowers, bracts at the base of corolla are reddish, petals are yellowish-orange, followed by black berries (管狀花朵,花冠底部的苞片呈紅色,花瓣呈橙黃色,結黑色漿果)
Height: 0.6-1 m (高度: 0.6-1米) |
White locoweed (Oxytropis sericea) 瘋草
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: April to September (開花時間: 4-9月)
Bloom description: White (白花)
Height: 0.3 m (高度: 0.3米)
Common names (俗稱): Silky crazyweed, white point-vetch |
Bog wintergreen (Pyrola asarifolia) 鹿蹄草
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: Mid-summer (開花時間: 夏中)
Bloom description: Pink to red, five petals, cup shaped (粉轉紅花,5瓣,杯狀)
Height: 0.15-0.45 m (高度:0.15-0.45米)
Common names (俗稱): Pink Wintergreen |
Pasque flower (Amemone patens) 白頭翁 Bloom time: March to June (開花時間: 3-6月)
Bloom description: Calyx with 6 purple or white lobes, white hairs (6片紫或白色花瓣,白毛)
Sun: Full sun (全日照)
Height: 0.05-0.4 m (高度:0.05-0.4米)
Photo: Rocky Mountain, USA (拍攝地點: 美國-落磯山脈) |
Silky phacelia (Phacelia sericea) 流蘇鐘穗花
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: June to July (開花時間: 6-7月)
Bloom description: Purple flowers, dense clusters, long stamens (開紫花,花簇密集,雄蕊長)
Height: 0.2 to 0.4 m (高度: 0.2-0.4米)
Common name (俗稱): Purple-fringe, blue alpine phacelia |
Sulphur Flower (Eriogonum Umbellatum) 硫磺花
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to July (開花時間: 5-7月)
Bloom description: Yellow flower (開黃花)
Height: 0.2 to 0.5 m (高度: 0.2-0.5米)
Common name (俗稱): Purple-fringe, blue alpine phacelia |
Broadleaf lupine (Lupinus latifolius) 羽扇豆/魯冰花
Native Range: Western North America-moist meadows, streambanks and mountains (原產地在北美洲的西部-濕潤的草原、河邊和山區)
Bloom time: April to July (開花時間: 4-7月)
Bloom description: Purple, pink, white or yellow (有開紫、粉、白或黃花)
Height: 0.3 to 1 m (高度: 0.3-1米) |
Whitlow-grass (Draba cuneifolia)
葶藶屬 (十字花科)
Native Range: Southern North America (原產地在北美洲的南部)
Bloom time: Feburary to May 開花時間: 2-5月
Bloom description: White (白花)
Height: 0.15-0.2 m (高度: 0.15-0.2米)
Western pasque flower (Anemone occidentalis) 美洲白頭翁
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: Spring to summer (開花時間: 春-夏)
Bloom description: White (白花)
Height: 0.15-0.6 m (高度: 0.15-0.6米)
Common name (俗稱): Wind flower
It is the state flower of South Dakota. (南卡的州花) |
Bluebell (Campanula Rotundifolia) 藍鈴花 Native Range: Europe, Asia, Western North America (原產地在歐洲、亞洲、北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: June to September (開花時間: 6-9月)
Bloom description: Bell-shaped, blue flower (鈴鐘狀,藍花)
Height: 0.1-1 m (高度: 0.1-1米)
Common name (俗稱): Harebell |
Italian aster (Aster Amellus) 紫菀
Bloom time: Late summer to fall (開花時間: 晚夏至秋季)
Bloom description: Purple (紫花)
Sun: Full sun (全日照)
Height: 0.3 to 3 m (高度0.3至0.9米) |
Blanket Flower (Gaillardia aristata) 天人菊
Native Range: Western and Northwestern North America (原產地在北美洲的西部和西北部)
Bloom time: Middle June to late August (開花時間: 6月中至8月底)
Bloom description: Yellow ray patels with dark red disk in the center (開放射線條的黃色花瓣,中心呈暗紅色的圓盤)
Height: 0.2-0.7 m (高度: 0.2-0.7米)
Alpine Sunflower (高山向日葵) |
Giant red Indian paintbrush (Castilleja miniata) 紅扁萼花
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to September (開花時間: 5至9月)
Bloom description: red, spikelike racemes (紅花,帶有尖尖的總狀花序)
Height: 0.3 to 0.6 m (高度: 0.3-0.6米)
Giant red Indian paintbrush (Castilleja miniata) 紅扁萼花
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to September (開花時間: 5至9月)
Bloom description: red, spikelike racemes (紅花,帶有尖尖的總狀花序)
Height: 0.3 to 0.6 m (高度: 0.3-0.6米) |
Giant red Indian paintbrush (Castilleja miniata) 紅扁萼花
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to September (開花時間: 5至9月)
Bloom description: red, spikelike racemes (紅花,帶有尖尖的總狀花序)
Height: 0.3 to 0.6 m (高度: 0.3-0.6米) |
Lemmon's Indian paintbrush (Castilleja lemmonii) 紅扁萼花
Native Range: Moist mountain meadows in Western North America (原產地: 北美洲西部山區的濕潤草原)
Bloom time: May to September (開花時間: 5至9月)
Bloom description: pink, spikelike racemes (粉紅花,帶有尖尖的總狀花序)
Height: 0.1 to 0.2 m (高度: 0.1-0.2米) |
American Bistort ( Bistorta bistortoides) 美洲戟花
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5至8月)
Bloom description: Clusters of white flowers (白花成簇)
Height: 0.3 m (高度: 0.3米)
Common name (俗稱): Smokeweed, mountain meadow knotweed, mountain buckwheat |
Dotted Saxifrage (Ciliaria austromontana) 斑點虎耳草
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: June to July (開花時間: 6-7月)
Bloom description: White flowers, five petals with orange-yellow dots (白花,5花瓣帶橘色和黃色斑點)
Height: 0.05-0.12 m (高度: 0.05-0.12米)
Heartleaf Arnica (山金車花) |
Monkey flower (Mimulus kelloggii)
猿猴花 Native Range: Western USA (原產地: 美國西部)
Bloom description: Pink (粉紅花瓣)
Sun: Full sun (全日照)
Height: To 0.3 m (高度至0.3米) |
Alpine beardtongue (Penstemon rupicola) 高山釣鐘柳 |
Alpine Flowers |
Snowbrush ceanothus (Ceanothus velutinus) 美洲茶
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: April to August (開花時間: 4至8月)
Bloom description: Clusters of white flowers (白花成簇)
Height: 4 m (高度: 4米)
Common name (俗稱): Red root, tobacco brush
Red mountain heather (Phyllodoce empetriformis) 石楠 |
Elephant-head (Pedicularis groenlandica) 馬先蒿
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: June to August (開花時間: 6至8月)
Bloom description: White or pink (開白或粉色花)
Height: To 0.8 m (高度: 0.8米)
Tiger lily (Lilium columbianum) 老虎百合
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: June to early August (開花時間: 6至8月初)
Bloom description: yellow petals curved backward with red spots (黃色花瓣向後彎曲,有紅斑點)
Height: To 1.2 m (高度: 1.2米)
Common name (俗稱): Columbia lily |
Glacier lily (Erythronium grandiflorum) 雪百合
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: Spring to summer (開花時間: 春-夏)
Bloom description: yellow petals curved backward (黃色花瓣向後彎曲)
Height: 0.16-0.3 m (高度: 0.6-0.3米)
Common name (俗稱): Snow lily, yellow avalanche lily, lambstongue fawn lily |
Lousewort (Pedicularis Verticillata) 馬先蒿 |
Clackamas Iris (鳶尾花) in Oregon, USA |
Wake robin (Trillium erectum) 延龄草 in Oregon |
Beargrass (Xerophyllum tenax) 旱葉草
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: white(白花)
Height: 0.6-2 m (高度: 0.6-2米)
Common name (俗稱): Squaw grass, Elk grass, Turkey Beard, Bear lily, Indian basket grass
This picture of alpine flower was taken on a hiking in Oregon, USA |
Beargrass (Xerophyllum tenax) 旱葉草
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5-8月)
Bloom description: white(白花)
Height: 0.6-2 m (高度: 0.6-2米)
Common name (俗稱): Squaw grass, Elk grass, Turkey Beard, Bear lily, Indian basket grass
This picture of alpine flower was taken on a hiking in Oregon, USA |
Alpine Flower in Oregon |
Alpine Flower in Oregon |
Alpine wild blueberry flower (Cyanococcus) 野藍莓花 in Oregon |
Colt's foot (Tussilago farfara) 款冬花
Native Range: Eurasia (原產地在歐亞地區)
Bloom time: Spring to early summer (開花時間: 春天至初夏)
Bloom description: Yellow, roundish(黃色,圓盤狀)
Height: To 0.4m (高度至0.4米)
This picture of alpine flower was taken on a walk in Gimmelwald, Switzerland. (拍攝地點: 瑞士-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
False Solomen's Seal (Smilacina racemosa) 玉竹
Native Range: California coast to Rocky mountain (原產地在加州至落磯山脈)
Bloom time: March-May (開花時間: 3-5月)
Bloom description: white(白花) Sun: Shaded (蔭涼)
Height: 0.6-0.9 m (高度: 0.6-0.9米)
This picture of alpine flower was taken on a hiking in Oregon, USA |
Snow plant (Sarcodes sanguinea) 血晶蘭
Native Range: Northwest America (原產地在美國西北部)
Bloom time: May to July (開花時間: 5-7月)
Bloom description: Fleshy, red (肉質紅花)
Height: 0.15 to 0.5 m (高度: 0.15-0.5米)
This plant is lack of chlorophyll and doesn't make its own food. It is a parasitic plant and gets its nutrients from decaying organic matter in the soil. (這種植物缺乏葉綠素,也不會自己製造食物,屬於寄生植物,從土壤裡腐爛的有機物質中獲得養份。)
Photo was taken in Oregon, USA (拍攝於美國奧勒岡州) |
Fool's onion (Triteleia hendersonii) 花韭
Native Range: Northwest America (原產地在美國西北部)
Bloom time: May to July (開花時間: 5-7月)
Bloom description: White flower with dark purple midveins (白花帶深紫色的中脈)
Height: 0.1 to 0.4 m (高度: 0.1-0.4米)
Photo was taken in Oregon, USA (拍攝於美國奧勒岡州) |
Orange trumpet honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa) 金銀花 is a honeysuckle native in Oregon. |
Alpine Rhododendron from Oregon, USA 高山杜鵑花 |
Alpine Rhododendron from Oregon, USA 高山杜鵑花 |
Thimbleberry flower (頂針莓花) |
Thimbleberry (頂針莓)
Forking larkspur (Consolida regalis)
Native Range: Western Europe, Mediterranean and Asia(原產地在西歐、地中海、亞洲)
Bloom time: Summer (開花時間: 夏天)
Bloom description: Blue, pink, purple or white flower (開藍、粉、紫或白花)
Sun: Sun, part shade (全日照、部份蔭涼)
Height: 0.3 to 0.8 m (高度0.3-0.8米) |
Tall annual willow-herb (Epilobium brachycarpum) 柳葉菜
Native Range: North America (原產地在北美洲)
Bloom time: July to August (開花時間: 7-8月)
Bloom description: Pink (粉色)
Height: 2 m (高度2米)
Common name (俗稱): Tall fireweed, parched-fireweed |
Inside-out-flower (Vancouveria hexandra) grow nearby the hill of Bran Castle, Romania 暗紅色的花卉生長在羅馬尼亞的布朗堡附近的山丘上 |
Shrubby Beardtongue (Penstemon ellipticus) 灌木釣鐘柳
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: Late spring to summer (開花時間: 晚春-夏季)
Bloom description: Light purple (淡紫花)
Height: 0.15 to 0.4 m (高度0.15-0.4米) Common name (俗稱): Bush Beardtongue
This plant grows on the rocky places. (這種植物生長在岩石上) |
Queen cup (Clintonia uniflora) 皇后杯
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to July (開花時間: 5-7月)
Bloom description: White, six petals (白花,6瓣)
Height: 0.15 to 0.25 m (高度0.15-0.25米) Common name (俗稱): Bride's Bonnet |
Alpine Flower |
Alpine Flower |
Mossy stonecrop (Sedum acre) 景天
Native Range: Europe (原產地: 歐洲)
Bloom time: Summer (開花時間: 夏天)
Bloom description: Yellow (黃花)
Sun: Full sun (全日照)
Height: To 0.07m (高度至0.07米) |
Pearly Everlasting (珠光香青) |
Alpine Flower |
Whitlow-grass (Draba cuneifolia)
葶藶屬 (十字花科)
Native Range: Southern North America (原產地在北美洲的南部)
Bloom time: Feburary to May 開花時間: 2-5月
Bloom description: White (白花)
Height: 0.15-0.2 m (高度: 0.15-0.2米) |
Mountain Spirea (Spiraea splendens) 繡線菊 |
Giant red Indian paintbrush (Castilleja miniata) 紅扁萼花
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to September (開花時間: 5至9月)
Bloom description: red, spikelike racemes (紅花,帶有尖尖的總狀花序)
Height: 0.3 to 0.6 m (高度: 0.3-0.6米) |
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) 西洋蓍草
Native Range: Asia, Europe, and North America (原產地在亞洲、歐洲、北美洲)
Bloom time: May to June (開花時間: 5至6月)
Bloom description: flat cluster of white flowers (呈平簇狀的白花)
Height: 0.2 to 1 m (高度: 0.2-1米)
Common name (俗稱): Old man's pepper, devil's nettle, thousand-seal |
Alpine Flower |
Prairie Smoke (Geum triflorum) 北美煙火草
Native Range: Northern America (原產地在北美洲)
Bloom time: May to July (開花時間: 5至7月)
Bloom description: Pink to purple (粉/紫)
Sun: Full sun (全日照)
Height: 0.15 to 0.4m (高度0.15-0.4米) |
Purple avens (Geum rivale) 紫萼路邊青
Native Range: Northeastern America, Europe (原產地在東北美洲)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5至8月)
Bloom description: Purple-pink petals (粉紫花瓣)
Sun: Full sun to part shade(全日照到部份蔭涼)
Height: 0.2 to 0.4m (高度: 0.2-0.4米) |
Purple avens (Geum rivale) 紫萼路邊青
Native Range: Northeastern America, Europe (原產地在東北美洲)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5至8月)
Bloom description: Purple-pink or whitish petals, feathery (粉紫或白色花瓣,羽毛狀)
Sun: Full sun to part shade(全日照到部份蔭涼)
Height: 0.2 to 0.4m (高度: 0.2-0.4米) |
Monument plant (Swertia radiata) 獐牙菜
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to August (開花時間: 5至8月)
Bloom description: Flowers has four purple speckled petals (有4片帶紫色斑點的花瓣)
Height: 1 to 2 m (高度: 1-2米)
Common name (俗稱): Deer's ears (鹿耳朵) |
Alpine Flower 高山花卉 |
Alpine Flower 高山花卉 |
Alpine Flower 高山花卉 |
Three leaves alpine plant 三葉高山植物 |
Sugarbowl (Clematis hirsutissima)
Bloom time: April to July (開花時間: 4-7月)
Bloom description: Purple, hairy 紫色/多毛
Height: 0.3 to 0.6m (高度0.3-0.6米)
Photo: In Yellowstone National Park 黃石國家公園裡的野生花卉 |
Wild flower in Yellowstone National Park 黃石國家公園裡的野生花卉Hood’s phlox? |
Wild flower in Yellowstone National Park 黃石國家公園裡的野生花卉 |
Alpine forget-me-not (Myosotis Sylvatica) 高山‘勿忘我’花
Native Range: Europe (原產地在歐洲)
Bloom time: April to May (開花時間: 4至5月)
Bloom description: Blue with yellow or white eyes (藍色花瓣,黃色或白色的花眼)
Height: 0.15 to 0.3 m (高度0.15-0.3米)
Photo: Yellowstone National Park 黃石國家公園 |
Wild flower in Yellowstone National Park 黃石國家公園裡的野生花卉 |
Wild flower in Yellowstone National Park 黃石國家公園裡的野生花卉 |
Wild flower in Yellowstone National Park 黃石國家公園裡的野生花卉 |
Wild flower in Yellowstone National Park 黃石國家公園裡的野生花卉 |
Blue flax (Linum Lewisii) 藍色亞麻
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to September (開花時間: 5至9月)
Bloom description: Light blue, 5 sepals (淡藍,5個萼片)
Height: 0.5 to 1 m (高度0.5-1米)
Photo: Yellowstone National Park 黃石國家公園裡的野生花卉 |
Wild flower in Yellowstone National Park 黃石國家公園裡的野生花卉 |
Creeping Oregon Grape (Mahonia repens) 十大功勞花
Native Range: Western North America(原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: April to June (開花時間: 4-6月)
Bloom description: Yellow (黃花)
Height: 0.1 to 0.2 m (高度至0.1-0.2米)
This plant has sour blue berries in the fall which are enjoyed by bears. Roots and stems were used for a dye by Indians. (這種植物在秋天時,會長出熊所喜愛吃的藍色酸漿果,印地安人拿其根和莖來做染料。)
Photo: Grand Tetons National Park (美國大提頓國家公園) |
Alpine Flower 高山花卉 |
Balsam root (Balsamorhiza sagittata) 香根
Native Range: Western North America(原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: May to July (開花時間: 5-7月)
Bloom description: Yellow, ray flowers (射線狀黃花)
Height: 0.2 to 0.6 m (高度至0.2-0.6米)
Photo: Yellowstone National Park 黃石國家公園 |
Wild flower from Big Horn Mountains (美國大角山) 野生花卉 |
Bluebell (Harebell/Campanula Rotundifolia) 藍鈴花 |
Wild flower from Devil Tower (美國惡魔塔) 野生花卉 |
Wild flower from Grand Tetons 野生花卉 |
Wild flower from Big Horn Mountains (美國大角山) 野生花卉 |
Wild flower from Devil Tower (美國惡魔塔) 野生花卉 |
Wild flower from Grand Tetons 野生花卉 |
Wild flower from Grand Tetons 野生花卉 |
Wild flower from Grand Tetons 野生花卉 |
Wild flower from Grand Tetons 野生花卉 |
Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla mollis) 斗蓬草 on the Untersberg mountain near Salzburg, Austria (奧地利-Alps阿爾卑斯山區) |
Alpine pussytoes (Antennaria dioica) 蝶須 from Grand Tetons 野生花卉 |
Pussy paws (Calyptridium umbellatum)
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲西部)
Bloom time: Spring to fall (開花時間: 春-秋)
Bloom description: Pinkish or whitish 粉或白
Sun: Full sun (全日照)
Height: 0.09-0.15m (高度0.09-0.15米) Common name (俗稱): Mount Hood pussypaws |
Self-heal (Prunella vulgaris) 夏枯草
Native Range: Eurasia, North America (原產地在歐亞、北美洲)
Bloom time: June to October (開花時間: 6-10 月)
Bloom description: pink, purple or white 粉、紫或白
Sun: Part shade (部份蔭涼處)
Height: 0.15-0.5m (高度0.15-0.5米) |
Wild flower in Yellowstone National Park 黃石國家公園裡的野生花卉 |
Alpine Flower 高山花卉 |
Wild flower from Taiwan 野生花卉 |
Wild flower from Taiwan 野生花卉 |
Alpine Flower |
Western pasque flower (Anemone occidentalis) 美洲白頭翁
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: Spring to summer (開花時間: 春-夏)
Bloom description: White (白花)
Height: 0.15-0.6 m (高度: 0.15-0.6米)
Common name (俗稱): Wind flower
It is the state flower of South Dakota. (南卡的州花)
After the petals fall from the Western pasque flower, the achene appear. Then, feather-like white, villous hairs gradually form. (白頭翁的花謝後結成瘦果,像羽毛般的白色柔軟長毛逐漸形成。) |
Western pasque flower (Anemone occidentalis) 美洲白頭翁
Native Range: Western North America (原產地在北美洲的西部)
Bloom time: Spring to summer (開花時間: 春-夏)
Bloom description: White (白花)
Height: 0.15-0.6 m (高度: 0.15-0.6米)
Common name (俗稱): Wind flower
It is the state flower of South Dakota. (南卡的州花)
After the petals fall from the Western pasque flower, the achene appear. Then, feather-like white, villous hairs gradually form. (白頭翁的花謝後結成瘦果,像羽毛般的白色柔軟長毛逐漸形成。) |
Alpine thistle (Cirsium scopulorum) 高山薊
Native Range: North America (原產地在北美洲)
Bloom time: Summer (開花時間: 夏天)
Bloom description: Pink, yellow, white or purple flowers, spiny (開粉色、黃色、白色或紫色花,帶刺)
Height: 0.5-1.5 m (高度: 0.5-1.5米)
Thistle (薊) |
Thistle (薊) |