Flying back from Oregon to Springfield we made stops in Sacramento, Phoenix, and Saint Louis. Here is the Grand Canyon seen from our airplane.
This hill in Arizona was casting a very long shadow in the late afternoon light. |
In the distance to the east we could see snow on a mountain as we descended toward Phoenix. |
Some hills north of Phoenix seen from our airplane window.
The sun was setting as our flight descended into Phoenix, but we were on the left side of the plane. |
When we arrived in Saint Louis there were a few presents for us to open. |
Arthur received this game.
Sebastian received a keyboard. |
A couple days later, Jeri returned to Springfield from Taiwan. |
Although Jeri was tired, we decided to open presents and help her unpack.
Arthur demonstrated his skills on the guitar, which he had received the previous afternoon. |
Jeri received a few things for Christmas. |
We saw Tom Irwin perform in the Old State Capitol early on New Year's Eve. |
In the last hour of 2010 we watched a stage hypnotist put people into an hypnotic state of consciousness. |
On New Year's Eve I took Sebastian and Arthur downtown for First Night, and we saw these fireworks. |