東漢著名學者許慎於西元100年( 東漢和帝永元十一年) 編著了中國歷史上第一本字典《說文解字》(Shuo Wen Jie Tzi), 其子許沖將這本著作於西元121年獻給朝廷。中國文字的奧妙在於漢字的形體是由不同的筆劃結構而成的,許慎將這些不同的字形結構取出相同的部位作為查字的依據,我們稱之為部首,所以《說文解字》全書是以部首排列,共分540個部首,原文以小篆體(small seal script)書寫。
1. To understand the historical context in which Shyu-Shen created the first Chinese dictionary you may want to read more about the Han Dynasty at the UCLA Silk Road site.
2. The Consortium for Language Learning and Composition at Humboldt State in Arcata, California has a fine page about Chinese orthography in which Shyu-Shen (Xu Shen) is mentioned.
3. Set your web browser's text encoding setting to "Traditional Chinese Big5" and check out the essay by Xie Guanghui describing Chinese characters and the theory of the origin of Chinese characters mentioned by Shyu-Shen (Xu Shen).