志留紀晚期到泥盆紀早期,曾經有一段氣候溫暖的時期, 尤其在泥盆紀時,大部分的時間是非常的炎熱;或許是地球歷史上氣溫最高的時期(冥古宙早期或重擊晚期,如地獄般的氣溫則不包括在內)。所以大致上說來,約從4億2000萬年前到4億7000萬年前,氣候趨於暖化,而且是一直維持在溫暖的狀態,特別是在熱帶地區與北半球,直到進入石炭紀時期,雖然氣溫較為寒冷,尤其在大約3億2500萬年前,石炭紀後半期的南半球(石炭紀晚期又稱賓夕法尼亞紀)。
1. The University of California Museum of Paleontology has a good web page about the Devonian Period that mentions the climate.
2. Daniel Engber’s article from Popular Science answering a question about the hottest temperatures in Earth’s climate history.
3. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has a web page by Michon Scott and Rebecca Lindsey also describing the warmest periods in Earth’s history.
4. Encyclopaedia Britannica has a fine article on the Devonian Period with significant discussion of the climate.
5. George R. McGhee, Jr. wrote a book published in 1996 that discusses the climate of the Devonian period with great detail: The Late Devonian Mass Extinction: The Frasnian/Famennian Crisis.