太阳(Sun)形成的时间是介于45亿至50亿年前,属于较晚期的恒星(初期形成的时间发生在宇宙大爆炸之后,由早期几代的恒星所遗留下来之气体和物质所组成)。太阳是一个体积在中等大小的黄色G型恒星,G型恒星是指含有介于0.8 -1.1个太阳质量 (solar masses),他们的地表燃烧温度在摄氏5000度到摄氏5800度之间,这类型的恒星本身含有多种金属和离子化的钙。
1. Amara Graps of the Solar Center at Stanford explains that the sun is about 5.0 billion years old.
2. Suntrek’s page about the age of the sun.
3. A page about the sun with a fantastic collection of images of the sun.
4. The NASA Heliophysics web site.
5. An amazing SOHO spacecraft ultraviolet mpg video of the sun making one full revolution (over the course of about 21 Earth days).