电子和质子 (electrons and protons): 电子、质子和中子(neutrons)在宇宙中形成的时间非常早, 大约诞生在宇宙瞬间大爆炸一毫秒内的时间, 当时的宇宙 (137 亿年前), 正处于开氏温标兆度(1,000,000,000,000)左右。质子、中子和电子诞生在宇宙时间开始的第一秒钟,被称之为“粒子时代”(Particle Era),属于强子时期(Hadron Epoch)的一部份。紧随著这时间之后,质子和中子开始进行了几分钟的熔合和分裂,接著核合成时代(Nucleosynthesis Era)产生。今天我们知道电子和质子组成原子(atoms),电子和质子是由在大爆炸瞬间而产生的各种夸克(quarks)、更小的机率场(probability fields)和粒子所组成。
1. It is easy to find many good pages describing physics lessons on electrons and protons and atoms. One lesson we recommend is by Anthony Carpi, hosted at the Vision Learning site.
2. Here are some astronomy notes by Karl Gebhardt that describe the particle era and other eras of the early universe.
3. Here are some lecture notes by George L. Cassiday describing the epochs of the universe, including the Hadron Epoch.