罗迪尼亚 (Rodinia) 超级大陆出现在大约12 亿至7亿5000万年前,它是其他几个超级大陆当中的一个,这些超级大陆 (supercontinents)在过去几亿年的时间,历经形成又分裂的阶段,在这些超级大陆之前,或许有更早期的超级大陆出现过。罗迪尼亚超级大陆的分裂,牵涉到许多地壳活动,譬如格林威尔造山运动(Grenville Orogeny), 在地球上留下许多较古老的火成岩 (igneous rocks)。盘古大陆 (Pangea) 也是一个超级大陆,它的形成和分裂时间,发生在罗迪尼亚超级大陆之后的几亿年。
1. A page about the geological history of Jamestown, Rhode Island has a section about Rodinia that shows a map by Peter R. Johnson (1998) of how the continent may have looked.
2. As is usual for very ancient time scales, the Paleos website has a great page about Rodinia.
3. There is a fine page by “Chris” at the Peripatus site about Rodinia with some good references and another map of how it may have been configured.
4. Kevin P. Hefferan has a fantastic series of images about the world’s continents as they may have lain at various ages of geologic history linked from his simple page about Rodini
5. The University of Western Australia provides us with some maps of Rodinia.