银河系(Milky Way Galaxy)是太阳航行的行星系,直径大约80,000 光年, 厚度大约2,500 光年。银河系里有大约3000 亿个星星。“银河系不同的位置,有不同的年龄,最古老的部份约有110-130 亿年, 银盘约有60-110 亿年。” (2007年7月,科特思威廉斯的话谈银河岁月工作坊。)
1. NASA’s Origins Education Forum has a discussion of galaxy formation.
2. The European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere’s 2004 press release about the age of the Milky Way Galaxy.
3. Frommert & Kronberg’s web pages on The Milky Way Galaxy.
4. The Nicolas Dauphas method for calculating the age of the Milky Way Galaxy.
5. Some materials from the Age of the Milky Way Workshop held in July 2007.