三葉蟲 (trilobites)在地球的海底裡繁衍了幾百萬年,從化石的研究記錄裡顯示,它們大約生活在5億4000萬年前的寒武紀初期。在當時的寒武紀生物爆發(Cambrian explosion) 後,不同的生物開始繁衍。三葉蟲逐漸滅亡的時間是介在3億-2億4000萬年前,尤其是2億4500萬-2億5100萬年前,在二疊紀和三疊紀交界時期 (Permian-Triassic boundary)的滅絕事件後,三葉蟲即消失在化石記錄裡。它們是屬於節肢動物 (arthopods), 但這物種是否更接近甲殼類 (crustations)、螯肢動物類 (cheliceramorpha),如馬蹄蟹、海蝎子和蜘蛛綱的動物或海蜘蛛 (pycnogonida) ,目前我們尚未有全面的了解。
1. The Trilobites website has great pages about trilobite life (Sam M. Gon III).
2. An Australian Museum Online site about the trilobites.
3. The Fossil Museum has interesting pages about trilobites.
4. The Peronopsis interstricta (or some other Agnostida?) trilobite fossils shown on this page were found near Delta, Utah close to the private U-Dig fossil quarry, a commercial outfit that gives people a chance to find trilobite fossils.
5. Many trilobite fans have created websites full of photographs of trilobite fossils. This is one of the better ones, by Mark Bourrie.
6. 中國科學院計算機網路資訊中心的三葉蟲世界
7. 石尚礦物化石博物館三葉蟲