Mrs. Ablemoneim Osman, our neighbor from a couple doors down the street, with the youngest of her three daughters. February 12, 2009. |
Omayma Elyamani Osman holds her baby daughter Ramas at the Lincoln Presidential Library Museum on February 12, 2009.
Abraham Lincoln prepares to read the Gettysburg Address with Governor Pat Quinn on the 200th anniversary of Lincoln's birth. |
Snow on flowers at a neighors house.
March 29, 2009 |
Pressed flowers from Springfield, IL.
A copy of Paul and Virginia: From the French of Bernardin de St.Pierre presented and inscribed to "Mary Remann / Dec. 25th '56 / from Mary Lincoln." Pressed wild flowers and clover laid in by Mrs. Lincoln from the Lincolns' yard. The Remanns lived on the same block as the Lincolns in Springfield, Illinois, and their son, Henry Remann, was one of Willie Lincoln's closest friends. Mary Lincoln gave the clothes of the Lincolns' second son, Eddy, to Henry Remann when Eddy died at the age of four in 1850. |
One of the five copies of the Gettysburg Address written by Abraham Lincoln in his own hand. This one was the copy he made for Edward Everett, who gave the main (2 hour) speech on November 19, 1863 when the national cemetary at Gettysburg was dedicated. Lincoln gave the short address after Everett. |
A dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) pauses a couple feet in front of me on this little magnolia tree on a snowy Sunday in late March. |
The snow we had on March 29, 2009 came on a night that was not very cold (just at the freezing mark), so the magnolia blossoms were still lovely with the snow on them. |
On our street there are many maples and sweet gum trees, and the snow on the late March blossoms gave a nice combination of red, white, and black. |
Snow on tree blossoms. |
Snow and ice coats maple blossoms on trees on Park Ave. in Springfield. |
Another view of snow on the blossoms. |
Magnolia buds and blossoms in the snow. |
Ice encrusting a magnolia blossom. |
Magnolia blossoms covered in snow on March 29, 2009. |
Forsythia in the snow. |
Forsythia in March. |
The forsythia in our backyard has snow on it. |