The Ediacaran. This is a span of nearly 100 million years that ends with the beginning of the Paleozoic Era (which begins with the Cambrian). The Ediacaran was a time when Earth warmed up after the colder Cryogenian times when glaciers covered much of the planet’s surface. Sometimes this period of time is called the Vendian Period. The International Commission on Stratigraphy has set the system period dates (pdf) for the Ediacaran from 635 millions years ago to 542 million years ago. The Ediacaran fauna are fossilized in rocks from approximately 600 million years ago to 545 or 550 million years ago. (There are websites that erroneously report widely different dates for the beginning of the Ediacaran period, confusing it with the Neoproterozoic Era or the Proterozoic Eon.)
Dickinsonia costata, a fossilized animal of the Ediacaran Era. It is difficult to figure out what sort of an animal this was, and how it is related to animals we know today.

A fossilized echinoderm of the Ediacaran Era.

A Pseudohizomites sp. This is a fossil impression from a creature that lived about 555 million years ago, in the Ediacaran Era.